A True Loving Mississippi Story

One child 2 years old is lost

without a shoe in the street

traffic flowing

not missing a beat

Seen by one

running to save a life

another stopped to help

amid all the strife

A third person stops

calling the police

child standing with safe haven

sighing with relief

Another person stops

as we search for the child’s home

wanting to know how to help

the child is not alone

The police come

helping to figure it out

the child is calm

feeling safe and does not pout

Siblings arrive

rejoicing running up the street

the child had accidentally gotten out

following a dog with bare feet

People helping each other

not a thought given to religion or race

helping an innocent child

experience love instead of hate

copyright 2020 Debbie Pierce


  1. Beautiful and loving story. And thankfully it is what happens when a child is lost. We are honed in on the bizarre and evil. There is still much good in the world. Thanks for this nice reminder.

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