A Peaceful Museum on the Natchez Trace

Sitting on a hill

the old homestead stood

living in eras past

porch has some chopped wood


In days of old

it was the habit of the caretaker

to hand lemonade out to guests

with ice cream from a wood maker


In those early days

explorers crossed the land

seeking a nights lodging

listening to nature’s band


Confusion reigned 

in the next centuries years

a great war raged 

there were many tears


After the war was over

magnanimous reconciliation occurred

as the culture was rebuilt

different sounds were heard


Coming forward

the house is a museum now

testament to the changes around it

ghosts of the past taking a bow


Sitting along a peaceful road

lessons from the past

one with its surroundings

resting at last


copyright 2019 Debbie Pierce






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