Mirror of Time

An old woman staring

into a mirror of time

a young girl looks back

eager for the climb

As age flakes off an old face

wisdom to impart

how to navigate life

to prosper and not fall apart

You are beautiful

a soul wonderfully made

pay attention to no one

with words that degrade

Love your neighbor

costs nothing to be kind

smile and encourage

but do not be blind

Do not compare

your life is a journey

truth behind other lives is hidden

their soul may be rotting on a gurney

Make time to dance

in the rain and wind

through life’s thunderstorms

the season will end

Keep moving forward

giving love and joy

leave without regret those who are mean

you are not a toy

Life is an adventure

happiness is a choice

enjoy it in abundance

protect others with your voice

Always be grateful

have a full heart

blessings are abundant

from the start

Time to fly away

journey to the next place

your soul is eternal

filled with grace

copyright 2023 Debbie Pierce

Daily writing prompt
Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.

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