Daily writing prompt : Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

A fulfilling life

is simple for me

living close to the land

grateful just to be

Meditation in the morning

watching the birds fly

listening to the sounds of nature

watching the clouds go by

Picking a peach

off the tree

a healthy snack

covering with honey from a bee

Thrifting clothes

stylish and cheaper to wear

using a sewing machine

to repair a small tear

Playing music

calming and filled with light

entertaining others

such a delight

Writing a poem

expressing feelings

warm and happy

helps with healing


keeping life simple

enjoying nature’s bounty

watching the stars twinkle

A sustainable life

filled with joy and love

kindness and understanding

gifts from above

copyright 2024 Debbie Pierce

Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

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