The Sunken Souls

The water was chilly

as I descended down the steps

wanting to belong to a clique

that only met at this depth

The clique seemed an oxymoron

as my dive began

so many creatures together

one nipped my hand

Reaching a coral reef

the group reigned supreme

legends in their own minds

there was even a queen

A silent city

sunken so long ago

new life has taken over

a beautiful place to go

A sawyer attached to

a sunken boat

slowly rising

attempting to float

Long deceased passengers

of this boat

not able to move on

just to gloat

Stealing energy

of those who came to visit

death surrounds them

the invitation is explicit

Fleeing now

realizing not my style

swimming frantically

safe after a mile

Climbing out

grateful to have left the strife

determined to appreciate others

now and in the afterlife

copyright 2021 Debbie Pierce


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